$ 180.00
This is a beautiful Small Sway Back Whittler handled with gorgeous genuine white pearl. The handles sparkle with shades of green, red and blue. The bolsters are lined and fluted. It was made in 1991 by Queen Cutlery!!! Say What!!! That's something for you lovers of knife history can research. It's the perfect Every Day Carry.
Like a FLASH, Lightning Fast and Free Shipping to You.
$ 200.00
Beautiful Stag and Mirror Finish on the Blades. Clip, Sheepfoot, and Spay. 3.8" Closed.
$ 135.00
Great Jigging on this John Primble Blue Bone Barlow. Two Blades, Clip and Pen. It's the perfect EDC.
$ 225.00
The Perfect Every Day Carry Work Knife. Beautiful Well Balanced and Matched White Stag Handles. 5" Closed, Brass Bolsters and Hour Glass Shield. Strong Lock Back With Great Walk &...
$ 180.00
This is a perfect high quality Mother of Pearl. A Two Blade (Clip & Spear) made in 1991, This Whittler is 100% Mint Condition. The Thick Pearl Handles are Knockout...